
Data and modelling
Kopczewska K., (Encyclopedia entry) in (eds. Nijkamp P., Kourit K., Elburz Z., Haynes K.), Encyclopedia of Regional Science, Edward Elgar, 2024 (forthcoming) -
Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression: Exploring Demographic Changes in Poland [in] Data Science for Modeling Managerial and Socioeconomic Problems – Concepts, Techniques, and Applications
Kubara M., Zabarina K., Kopczewska K., (editors: Faiz Hamid, Deep Mukherjee), Springer (series Contributions to Management Science), 2024 (forthcoming)
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Urban mining for direct geo-marketing: mobile data analysis with association rules [in] Handbook on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Cities, Edward Elgar
Sacharczuk M., Kopczewska K., (editors: Daniel Czamanski, Dani Broitman, Katarzyna Kopczewska), 2024 (forthcoming) -
Detecting Residential Reconversion within Cities: How “Big Data” Can be Mobilized to Better Understand What is Going On? [in] Handbook on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Cities
Dubé J., Kopczewska K., Desaulniers S.
Edward Elgar (editors: Daniel Czamanski, Dani Broitman, Katarzyna Kopczewska), 2024 (forthcoming) -
Sustainable Development Goals. People and Places chose what they do not have. [in] Resilience and Regional Development (pp. 169-188).
Dentinho, T. P., Kopczewska, K., De Francesco, G., Pascariu, G. C., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., & Türk, U. (2023). [eds. Pascariu G., Tiganasu R., Kourtit K., Nijkamp P.] Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Get the book - Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics: Data Analysis in R
ed. Kopczewska K. (authors: Kopczewska K., Kubara M., Ćwiakowski P., Kopyt M., Wójcik P., Festi A., Zabarina K.), 2020, Oxfordshire: Routledge
Get the book | Get the codes - Measuring Regional Specialization – A New Approach
Kopczewska K., Churski P., Ochojski A., Polko A., 2017, Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2017
Get the book - Handbook on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Cities
eds. Broitman D., Kopczewska K., Czamanski D., Edward Elgar, Research Handbooks in Urban Studies series, 2024
- Kopczewska K., Elhorst P., (2023) New developments in spatial econometric modelling, Spatial Economic Analysis, (IF=2.317, 100 pkt) - Miłuch O., Kopczewska K., (2024) Fresh air in the city: impact of pricing of real estate in Warsaw, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=5.8) - Dobrowolska E., Kopczewska K., (2024) Urban Quality of Life: in search for perfect neighbourhood¸ Scientific Reports 14, Article number: 9680 (2024),
- Kopczewska K., Kubara M., Kopyt M., (2024) Population density as the attractor of business to the place, Scientific Reports
- Kostecka, Z., & Kopczewska, K. (2023). Spatial CRM and location strategy: E-commerce solutions in the furniture industry. Case of IKEA pick-up points in Poland. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 101308. - Kudła, J., Kopczewska, K., & Stachowiak-Kudła, M. (2023). Trade, investment and size inequalities between countries and the asymmetry in double taxation agreements. Economic Modelling, 122, 106244. - Kopczewska, K. (2023). Spatial bootstrapped microeconometrics: Forecasting for out‐of‐sample geo‐locations in big data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. - Kubara, M., & Kopczewska, K. (2023). Akaike information criterion in choosing the optimal k-nearest neighbours of the spatial weight matrix. Spatial Economic Analysis, 1-19. - Kubara, M. (2023). Spatiotemporal localisation patterns of technological startups: the case for recurrent neural networks in predicting urban startup clusters. The Annals of Regional Science, 1-33. - Batrancea, L. M., Kudła, J., Błaszczak, B., & Kopyt, M. (2023). A dataset on declared tax evasion attitudes of students and entrepreneurs from Poland under the slippery slope framework. Data in Brief, 48, 109183.
- Batrancea, L.M., Nichita, A., De Agostini, R. Kopyt M. et al. (2022) A self-employed taxpayer experimental study on trust, power, and tax compliance in eleven countries. Financ Innov 8, 96. - Kopczewska, K., & Kopczewski, T. (2022). Natural spatial pattern—When mutual socio-geo distances between cities follow Benford’s law. Plos one, 17(10), e0276450. - Usman, M., & Kopczewska, K. (2022). Spatial and Machine Learning Approach to Model Childhood Stunting in Pakistan: Role of Socio-Economic and Environmental Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10967.
4601/19/17/10967 - Kopczewska, K. (2022). Regional development in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 14(4), 697-698.
Asia.pdf - Kopczewska, K. (2022). Night light indicators of regional economic activity. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 14(4), 826-827.
ddb3873eca0c00a085c8/Night-light-indicators-of-regional-economic-activity.pdf - Matuszelański, K., Kopczewska, K. (2022). Customer Churn in Retail E-Commerce Business: Spatial and Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 17, no. 1: 165-198. – - Kopczewska K. (2022) Spatial machine learning: new opportunities for regional science, Annals of Regional Science, - Batrancea, L. M., Kudła, J., Błaszczak, B., & Kopyt, M. (2022). Differences in tax evasion attitudes between students and entrepreneurs under the slippery slope framework. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 464-482.
- Kopczewska K., Kopyt M., Ćwiakowski P. (2021) Spatial Interactions in Business and Housing Location Models, Land 2021, 10(12), 1348; - Strzelecki P., Świerczewska A., Kopczewska K., Fheed A., Tarasiuk J., Wroński S., (2021), Decoding Rocks: An Assessment of Geomaterial Microstructure Using X-ray Microtomography, Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistics, Materials 2021, 14(12),, - Kopczewska K., Ćwiakowski P., (2021), Spatio-temporal stability of housing submarkets. Tracking spatial location of clusters of GWR estimates of price determinants, Land Use Policy, vol.103 April 2021, 105292 - Kopczewska K. (2021) Entropy as a measure of agglomeration, in: Reggiani A., Schintler L., Czamanski D., Patuelli R., Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics. A Rebirth of Theory?, Edward Elgar , codes available at - Kopczewska K., Churski P., Ochojski A., Polko A., (2019) SPAG – Index of spatial agglomeration, Papers in Regional Science,, codes available at - Kopczewska K., (2018) Cluster-based measures of regional concentration. Critical overview, Spatial Statistics vol.27, October 2018, pp.31-57,, codes available at - Kopczewska K., (2019), Assessment of public intervention efficiency: The case of Special Economic Zones, Central European Economic Journal, Volume 6: Issue 53, DOI: - Kopczewska K., Lewandowska A., (2018) The price for subway access: Spatial econometric modelling of office rental rates in London, Urban Geography, vol. 39, 2018, issue 10, pp.1528-1554, - Kopczewska K., (2016) Efficiency of Regional Public Investment: NPV-based spatial Econometric Approach, Spatial Economic Analysis, vol.11 2016 issue 4, pp. 413-431 - Kopczewska K., (2016) Comment to XCL co-agglomeration index: distance-weighted improved DCL index, Papers in Regional Science, Vol 95, Issue 4, pp. 903-910, doi:10.1111/pirs.12247 - Kopczewska K., Kudła J., Walczyk K., Kruszewski R., Kocia A., (2016) Spillover effects of taxes on government debt: A spatial panel approach, Policy Studies Volume: 37, Issue: 03, pages 274 – 293, - Kopczewska K., Kudła J., Walczyk K., (2015)
Strategy of spatial panel estimation: Spatial spillovers between taxation and economic growth,
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (2017) 10:77, DOI 10.1007/s12061-015-9170-2, - Kopczewska K., (2014) Skewness, Kurtosis and L-moments in measuring regional convergence and cohesion, Statistica Neerlandica vol. 68, nr 4, pp.251-266, DOI: 10.1111/stan.12031 - Kopczewska K., Kopyt M., (2014) Non-linear corrections in market patent valuation, Business and Economic Horizons, vol.10 issue 3, pp.177-190, DOI: 10.15208/beh.2014.9
- Chrostek K., Kopczewska K. (2014) Spatial Prediction Models for Real Estate Market Analysis, Ekonomia 35, pp.25-43 - Kopczewska K., (2013) The spatial range of local governments: does geographical distance affect governance and public service?, Annals of Regional Science, Volume 51, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 793-810, DOI: 10.1007/s00168-013-0567-z - Kopańska A., Kopyt M. (2018) Determinants of indebtedness of Polish municipalities and cities with the rights of counties. Analysis for 2006-2016, Municipal Finance 1/2018, pp. 5-22, - Zabarina, K. (2018) Tessellation as an alternative aggregation method, Quantitative Methods in Economics, Volume XIX, No. 1, pp. 78-91, access:
- Muhammad Usman, 2025-2027, Geo Spatial AI- Driven Risk Assessment of Child Malnutrition: Unreveling the Intersectional Determinants, grant from National Science Center, Poland (Krakow), Grant number: PRELUDIUM [UMO-2024/53/N/HS4/02402]
- Kopczewska Katarzyna, Kubara Maria, Usta Zehra, Kot Monika, Andersson Martin, 2024-2025, ‘Modelling spatial innovativeness’ from IDUB UW in call ‘Tandems for Excellence’ (3rd edition), amount ca. 40.000 euro
- Kopczewska Katarzyna, 2022-2026, LAMASUS LAnd use and MAnagement modelling for SUStainable
governance, grant in Horizon 2020 (101060423, GAP-101060423) - Kopczewska Katarzyna, Kopyt Mateusz, Kubara Maria, Usta Zehra, 2022-2024, Modelling and forecasting business location in context of economies of density. Theoretical, methodological and empirical approach using spatial econometrics and spatial machine learning, grant from National Science Center Poland (Krakow), grant number: OPUS 21 call [UMO-2021/41/B/HS4/00285]
- Zabarina Kateryna, 2021-2023, Application of hybrid Gibbs processes to firm location forecast, grant from National Science Center Poland (Krakow), grant number: PRELUDIUM [UMO-2020/37/N/HS4/02061]
- Kubara Maria, 2020-2024, Survival determinants of technological startups – spatial factors and interactions, grant from Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, grant number: 0022/DIA/2020/49
- Kopczewska Katarzyna, Kopyt Mateusz, Zabarina Kateryna, Ćwiakowski Piotr, 2017-2019, Spatial econometric models with fixed and changing structure of neighbourhood. Applications to real estate valuation and business location, grant from National Science Center Poland (Krakow), grant number: OPUS 12 call [UMO-2016/23/B/HS4/02363]
- Kopczewska Katarzyna, 2014-2016, Statistical models to indentify regional specialisation including spatial heterogenity component, grant from National Science Center Poland (Krakow), grant number: OPUS 6 call [UMO-2013/11/B/HS4/01098]