
Prof. Katarzyna Kopczewska
Main interests: methodology of applied spatial quantitative methods, R programming, business location, housing valuation, agglomeration, concentration, density, regional development. Editor in Regional Science Policy & Practice, member of EOC in European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and Spatial Econometrics Association (SEA).
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Maria Kubara, PhD
Main interests: spatial data science, AI, causal machine learning for spatial data, R programming, spatial modelling, spatial visualisation and analysis, business location, innovations, cluster analysis. Member of ERSA, awarded with the scholarship for the best young researchers given by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland in 2019, awarded with Epainos Prize by ERSA in 2022 and RSAI Young Researchers Prize in 2024.
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Kateryna Zabarina, PhD
Main interests: R programming, point pattern analysis, business location, agglomeration, spatial modelling, time series analysis. Member of European Regional Science Association (ERSA), awarded with Jean Paelinck Prize for Young Researchers in 2018.
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Mateusz Kopyt, PhD
Main interests: spatial analysis in economics (spatial methods), finance, local government finances, intellectual property protection, economic education and teaching of economics, computer software in economics. Member of European Regional Science Association Polish Section (ERSA Polska), Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) and OpenStreetMap Polska.
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Kristóf Gyódi, PhD
Main interests: urban issues related to digitalization, short-term rentals, services provided via platforms, programming in Python, text-mining and spatial data science. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Researcher at DELab at the University of Warsaw. Dekaban Fellow at the University of Glasgow (2024) and Former Visiting Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute.
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Anna Lewczuk, PhD
Main interests: constitutional economics, Law & Economics, institutional diffusion, and spatial data science. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Laureate of FNP Start programme for outstanding young scientists (granted in 2023).
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Muhammad Usman, PhD candidate
Main interests: spatial econometrics, explainable artificial intelligence, regional socioeconomic disparities research, R programming. Gradutate from Data Science and Business Analytics MA programme from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw.
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Zehra Usta, PhD Candidate
Main interests: machine learning, data science, R programming, Python programming, spatial analysis,
cluster analysis, neural networks, optimization. Graduate of the master studies in Data Science and Business Analytics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw.

Monika Kot, MA student
MA student in the Computer Science and Econometrics programme at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. Main interests: Interested in data analytics and visualization, spatial econometrics, spatial machine learning, and programming in R and Python. Passionate about new technologies and innovations.